Friday, May 1, 2015

Week of May 4, 2015

This week, our class has PARCC testing on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Here is our upcoming week in a nutshell:

We are continuing our unit on area.  How is your child doing with math facts?  Do they need to start doubling up on fact tests?

Our group will return to our themed books to complete our summaries and compare/contrast them.

ELA - Our class is going to finish up our friendly letter writing unit.  The test is scheduled for Tuesday, 5/12.
Our reading focus is folktales and fables.

Science - space continued

SS - Chicago continued.  The final test is scheduled for Wednesday, 5/13.

Spelling - List 26 more commonly misspelled words
Mon - ABC order
Tues - 10 sentences
Fri - Final test

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Ide Library

Our new space is amazing!  We are working hard to emulate what our students might see at their public libraries - front facing books that a...